While driving in my car recently, I heard a commentator say that he speculated that China was not unhappy with a new Trump Administration, because they would not have to put up with a President Hillary Clinton who would “nag” them about human rights. Wow, just slip the sexist reference into a sentence dismissing human rights as a serious or relevant issue! ...
Metropolitan Community Churches know what it means to have our sacred sites defaced with spray-painted slurs. We know what it means to have our ministers murdered. We know what it means to be turned away from funeral homes because of who we are. We know what it feels like to have all we hold sacred desecrated. ...
Do you ever wake up and wonder where you are? If you travel a bit, it’s a common syndrome—but all of us wake up and wonder, “What day is today? What do I need to do today?” Sometimes when a death, divorce, or tragedy hits, you wake up, and it takes a minute to remember the source of your inner sadness. ...